Sunday, December 27, 2009

It's Snowing

This is the first real snow we have had. Mason and Adam had to get out and sled first chance they had. Marcus liked to help dad shovel the snow but didn't like it when the wind would whip up the snow and blow it in his face. Kirt of course is putting salt down after shoveling the driveway.

Christmas Morning

Kirt and Adam woke Mom, Mason, and Marcus up at 9am. Yes, I said 9am. Of course I didn't get to go to bed until 2am. Marcus didn't want to wake up so we had to show him what was in the present before he realized it was something he would want. Mason had a good Christmas morning. He got a brand new basketball, that he hasn't put down since then. He also liked getting computer games/storybooks and reading rainbow movies. Marcus played all day and all night with his Thomas the Trains. Adam got a WWII memrobilia book and the new Call to Duty PC game. We missed being around family though. Hope everyone had a great Christmas too.


This is Mason after his School Christmas Program. He was the Littlest Star for the play of the Littlest Christmas Tree. He did a great Job. He
Also had a Gold hat on and put that on the littlest tree
during the play. I love watching all the kids at
Mason's school in the christmas program. They
have so much fun and do a great job.